Friday, February 19, 2010

What is redefining the book industry?

It all started with the Amazon kindle, the interactive tablet pc. It makes reading almost any book possible. The Apple I-pad was the second product to hit this scene that is redefining the book industry. Companies like Amazon and Mac are changing the way people read, and think about reading. Who needs to go to the library when you can upload books right to your tablet and take them with you.

Having one of these machines makes it possible to have an entire library at your fingertips. You even turn the pages of the I-pad like you would a book. And if you get bored, you can surf the web, or even look up words you don't know on the online dictionary. Print books still have their prowess, as this new technology is too far ahead of some people, and others prefer the physical copy.
If we put technology aside, another part of this industry is its dependence on its readership. If people are getting less interested in reading for extended periods of time, the book industry will have to change. People are getting easily distracted and spend hours performing complicated tasks because of all of the potential distractions. The drive to read for extended periods of time, coupled with the innovation of tablet, online readers, will redefine the book industry.

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