Thursday, February 4, 2010

obsessed with technology

The impact of technology on my everyday life is that I'm never bored. If a class is a bit too dull or I'm just not in the mood to listen then I can always text someone and strike up a conversation.

The pbs show made it seem like everyone in our generation thinks that they can multitask and get just as much accomplished. I don't really agree with that. It's not that I'm getting a lot accomplished but if I get stuck on a line in a paper it's much easier to distract myself with web and go back to it in ten minutes then to walk away and do a completely new activity. To keep ourselves from becoming addicts to technology we need to keep a grasp of the real world. Although young kids can learn on the computer we shouldn’t make that the only way they learn.

Technology definitely has a strong hold over all of our lives. Which can be seen as both negative and positive. If your car brakes down on the highway people wont pull over anymore. You need your cell phone to call for help. On the other hand people are getting hit by cars because the driver is too busy texting to look forward.

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