Thursday, February 25, 2010

Movies in our Lives

The most basic idea behind a movie is a source of entertainment. However, as we sit in the theater or in our homes watching them, there is almost always an underlying theme or message that the director and writers are trying to get across to us. It is a form of persuasion that can be much more subtle than other forms of media, depending on the skills of the production team.

One interesting aspect of movies is that they can dictate emotions to the viewer, and give them a sense of understanding or empathy for the characters involved. Many people who view them often haven't had the same life experiences as the characters, and can give them a sense of understanding for people who may seem easy to judge just because they lead different lives.

Because of this understanding that comes about while watching movies, films can be used as a way to unite people of different backgrounds for a common purpose, and maybe even give them an entirely new perspective on what life can be like for others.

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