Monday, February 22, 2010

Movies matter

Movies are significant in our lives because they serve as many different purposes for us. Movies both in and out of the theater are forms of entertainment. Both rentals and new releases have their own perks. Going to the theater is considered a night out away from the normal stress of life. While renting a DVD or ordering a movie off the demand channel you can relax in your house and have the option or pause or rewind if you need to.

Movies not only entertain us but they also educate us. Things like documentaries really take a lot of research and time to show you a certain topic and explain why stereotypes about a this topic might be wrong and also allow you access and answer questions you may have.

Even movies that aren't documentaries are able to help you understand what living conditions and life would be like at a certain time period or in a certain area. Movies allow you to explore what could be. Avatar for example is the way a certain writer might interpret where we will be in the future. Because it was made into a film his world was brought to life and allowed you to be a part of it and decide whether or not you agree with his vision.

They also provide a social connection between people. Current movies are constantly involved in small talk. An example of this is when people are found quoting the lines from movies like Napoleon dynamite.

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