Friday, February 26, 2010

Movies Moving Us

Movies today are significant to our lives for many different reasons. Firstly, they are a form of entertainment, and by going to the movies, we know we will be entertained in some way. It is an easy activity to do with anyone and it isn’t very costly. Movies can also unite people. By watching them with someone else, you not only may have a common interest, but you also just had a common experience. After that, you can discuss the movie with someone, or clear up any confusing parts of the movie.

Movies are also something universal that many people have access to. People throughout the entire world watch movies, go to the movies, and have favorite movies. It’s the perfect way to connect with someone you just met, or even in some circumstances, someone from another country. People often quote movie lines with their friends, or remember movies for their legendary, significant lines. Classic movies like Gone With the Wind, or Casablanca, are often always considered some of the greatest movies because of their popularity and resilience.

Even though movies have drastically changed over the years, they will continue to be loved by mostly everyone. They are a common ground for most people and a source of entertainment for a variety of generations.

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