Sunday, February 7, 2010


The first question that is being posed is the reason for which almost all of us depend on technology. Because many of us were introduced to technology with the assumption that it would make our lives easier, it became an ever increasing interest to us. Many of us were introduced to technology when we were very young making it like second nature, and making it a part of everyday life. Along the way to simplifying our lives through technology, many got lost in it.

In place of technology helping students with homework, it started to distract them with emails from friends and social networking websites. Instead of entertaining teenagers with video games, middle aged parents started to play them, neglecting their children while doing so. Professors started emailing notes to students, who in turn stopped learning the information correctly because they were not paying attention or taking notes in class.

In regards to education and the work place, technology is both a blessing and a curse so to speak. It helps with access and fast delivery of materials, but again it becomes an all to enticing distraction to workers and students alike.

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