Thursday, February 4, 2010

Technology and our Dependence.

Technology is incredibly important to me.

With a small number of devices, I can easily keep connected with my friends and family as well as look up information or even find my way around an unfamiliar city.

I simply could not imagine what life would be like without a computer.

Perhaps my handwriting and spelling would be much better, especially without any kind of spell checker tool.

However, being someone who grew up using a computer to write formal essays, this idea seems primitive and inconvenient.

In this sense, technology has made the lives of those who use it much easier.

I, for one, am certainly taking that for granted.

I hope that technology (at least in America) is a pleasant assistant to the process of learning and education, as well as in the workplace.

I only hope that it will improve today’s student and worker productivity as oppose to bring it down due to multi-tasking.

Technology is an incredible thing, and it was devastating to see that some (like those children that were highlighted in Korea) have become addicted to games and other things that can be distracting.

I think that having a healthy knowledge of how to work and look up things on the Internet and the computer.

I think we are indeed becoming very dependent on technology and this is why it must be incorporated into work and school.

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