Friday, February 19, 2010

Newspapers success

Newspapers are successful because of their history. Newspapers were around before television and radio. Like many other trends, the original sticks simply because it is what people grew up on it's what their parents did.

Another aspect that makes newspapers successful is that there is a variety. You can choose which paper you rely on to get your news, you can determine if you think there is a bias. The quality of journalism varies from paper to paper there are some that are more comprehensive to certain groups of people.

The paper also goes above and beyond television and radio because they are able to report the whole story. They don't have to worry about fitting a certain amount of news in a time slot.

Newspapers also have adapted to the changes in media. Many of the papers are now on the internet they may or may not charge a fee but they have diversified the way you can reach their stories.

Although many people have canceled their subscription with the newspaper and they may have lost some money because of that, the industry will eventually pick up again once they perfect the way to charge people who read their news on the internet.

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