Friday, February 26, 2010

TV is good, not bad

I think television has brought forth many new things and is great for society. Many will argue against it and say it is bad, but I completely disagree.

Television has evolved our media industry completely. It has brought people together and can give many people something to talk about. It also updates society about events that are occurring immediately while they are happening.

Radio was the first to evolve with electrical technology. But the TV was a whole new invention and way of entertainment that whe world never expected before. TV can provide many different types of entertainment, and way of information as well.

Sure, TV can be bad for people. But thats only if it is watched too much and abused. If you think about it though, anything can be bad for someone if it is overused or abused.

I think TV was one of the best inventions ever created, and agree with everything that it has brought to our media society today.

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