Monday, February 22, 2010


This past summer I worked at a recording studio in my hometown. I interned there for two weeks, and had the opportunity to work with a very established producer. It just so happened that Mark Hudson was producing a band that week in the studio.

Mark is currently the producer for Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, Ringo Starr, and has worked with the Beatles and Eric Clapton; needless to say, the man knew what he was doing. One fundamental difference between Mark, who is an old school kind of producer, and newer producers, is the type of technology they use.

For instance, the boom in "auto tune" has taken over pop artists. Auto tune automatically corrects pitches when artists sing into the software. This type of recording and producing seemed "unholy" to Mark.

He despised the idea of having anything on a track but the actual sound of the voice, the instruments, and whatever sounds came out of the amp. He even had the amps so loud at one point that they were picking up RF, or radio frequency, and he decided to keep it.

I think this style of recording separates the truly talented artists from the pop-culture artists who need auto-tune to stay on pitch. Hopefully "live recording" will stay alive, and the auto-tune revolution will begin to dwindle.

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