Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Media and advertising working as a team

How do media and advertising work together?

Without media and advertising working together, it would not be possible to have advertisements. Commercials, ads on the radio and ads in magazines are the three main types of media used in advertising. Depending on what the company is advertising, different types of media will be used. For example, for commercials advertising new men’s body spray will most likely be shown the most on channels such as ESPN. Whereas, new upcoming children’s movies will be advertising on channels such as nickelodeon and/or abc family. These companies also take into consideration when most people tune into these channels and how often.
When advertising companies use other types of media such as ads in magazines they coordinate the ads to the types of magazines. For example, a new shaving cream is not going to be advertised in the newest sports illustrated, but you will see about three or even more ads just about shaving cream in seventeen, Cosmo, glamour, etc. Without different types of media, advertisements would not be possible to have.

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