Thursday, March 25, 2010

Media and Advertising Depend on Each Other

The media uses advertising, and advertising uses the media.

All different types of media, including the internet, newspapers, magazines, television, and radio, use advertising to make money so they can keep producing their news/entertainment service to the public.

Companies want their products and services to be in the public eye and in the back potential customers' minds. They are willing to pay for advertising because public exposure can increases sales. The internet, TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers are prime mediums of communication because people have so much access to all of these every day, making them the best spots for advertisements.

TV networks, radio stations, web sites, and printing companies need money to run, so they open spots specifically for advertising, like commercials, and printed ads, for companies who are willing to pay them.

It's hard to flip through a magazine or listen to the radio without looking at an in-your-face ad or listening to a commercial directly advertising a product. However, these intentional advertisements aren't the only ones used in the media

Subliminal messaging is another way advertising and the media depend on each other. Is it a coincidence that the American Idol judges are drinking from Coke cups every week? Or that contestants on the biggest loser are eating Jello? Or what about the new Lady Gaga music video for telephone? In those nine minutes you see strategically placed products and signs for her new line of headphones, Virgin Mobile, Diet Coke, Polaroid, Wonder Bread, and Miracle Whip, among others.

These companies know they have a chance to get their product out there and associated with someone whose huge in the music industry right now, so they advertise subliminally with just their product logo without having to directly advertise.

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