Tuesday, March 23, 2010

media and advertisements working together

Both media and advertisements are dependent on one and other. Medias like the radio and internet use advertisements to make money. By selling space on their webpage they are able to continue to run their page. This is also beneficial to the advertiser because if this page is popular and their ad is enticing enough chances are it will catch a lot of people's eyes and make them want to know more about the product.

There is also a method to which advertisements are shown where and when. For example, you see an increase in the number of weight loss pill, gym membership and work out video ads around new years. Because it's a known fact that many American's have the resolution of losing weight so they'll be more likely to buy into these types of products. Similarly, children's channels have different commercials then "adult" channels. You don't see toy commercials while watching the six o' clock news.

By doing this they are advertising more effectively. Instead of running your ad at any time on any channel you want to run it during prime time when most people are assumed to be out of work and relaxing in front of their T.V. They even vary the commercials by gender. If the program is something typically a woman would watch they run tampon and shampoo commercials.

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