Monday, March 1, 2010

Newest forms of news

Blogging and the internet have had a substantial effect on how our news in reported. Almost all newspapers now offer an online subscription option or even just allow you to browse their stories by using the web. Because of this people have changed the way they go about receiving the news. Many have stopped the tradition of waking up with a cup of coffee and a big bulky newspaper. Whether it's your personal local news of major global news you don't have to have a paperboy drop off you paper every morning to hear about it. Although the television is also an option for those of us who don't have time in the morning there's the internet.

The internet is able to show you a full story without leaving any parts out or making you flip from A1 to A12 in the middle of a sentence. It allows you the flexibility of your personal schedule instead of televisions set 6 o' clock news and 11 o'clock news.

Blogging has also had an affect on the way we now take in news. Generally a different type of news, it seems as though message boards and blogs are more about people either expressing themselves and their views so the world can hear. Or blogging about the latest in celebrity gossip aka Perez Hiltons career.

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