Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Changing of News Due to Blogs and the Internet

How have blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?
The way news is being reported has very much changed due to blogs and the internet. Blogs has changed the news by giving everyday people the ability to state their opinion on the issues happening in the world today. Apposed to just listening to journalists from your local newspaper. Blogs also make it available for everyday people to give each other advice on the quality of new products, restaurants or even new movies in the theaters. This gives people the ability to get more than one opinion on whatever it is they want news on.
The internet has also changed the way news is being given; I think even more so than blogs. The internet not only gives a place for the blogs to post, but all the newspaper articles and magazines as well. Today, many people don’t always get hard copies of their local newspaper due to costs and that there is just not enough time in the day to always sit and read the entire thing. The internet makes it much easier for these people to find the article they are looking for whenever they have the time to read it, and not to mention it’s free. Overall, blogs and the internet has changed the way news is distributed in a positive and more efficient way.

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