Sunday, April 18, 2010

What are some mass-media effects and mass media messages and the impact on society?

There are really four different kinds of effects that could arise from the mass media. These four include lifestyle effects, attitude effects, cultural effects, and behavioral effects. Media plays a huge role in initiating children into society and to ask whether or not this is a good or a bad thing is difficult. There is not clear cut answer to that question and it is often debated. Media has an impact on a child's attitude, and how they should act. They learn this much of the time from media rather than from their parents. That same concept works toward both cultural and behavioral effects. The morals and values that are learned by children also come directly from media sources. The way that they act and feel about other cultures and their own behavior all come from the media. Should the media have these effects or should parents take a larger role in influencing their children and keeping those effects away from their children?

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