Friday, April 23, 2010

Mass media and public agenda

Mass media shapes the publics agenda by deciding which information to deliver to the public. It is hard to say which came first the gossip column or the love to read it but the magazines like OK! and People are becoming the more prominent news updates. Media has recently decided that the new baby adopted by brangelina is more important than worldly happenings.

The latest trends in media allow the american public to be uninformed and ignorant. Of course there are still news broadcasts that inform us about the goings on around the world but for children growing up at this time period it's easy to miss those and just focus on TMZ and the soup to provide you with your "news."

As we talked about in class we no longer separate a private life and a public life. Politicians and other respected figures need to constantly be on their toes with so many people constantly digging up and dirt and waiting for them to trip up just so they can plaster it all over the news. Not saying that sexual discrepancies like affairs should be brushed off but it's not fair that if your an educated and qualified politician your social life can ruin everything for you.

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