Friday, April 9, 2010

Mas Media Effects

The effects of mass media are both positive and negative, and because of this, it is incredibly easy to see what is bad public relations/media representation, and when media has a positive effect. With that said, the positive impacts that mass media messages have on the general public include public service announcements, as well as beneficial media representation of healthy behavioral habits, or even enriching cultural aspects. Mass Media has the ability to enrich our culture in ways that are unprecedented. With the advent and ability of our culture to get thousands of digital messages out simultaneously we have developed into a society in which information is expected within the minute, and arguably the second. Computers and the internet make the effects of mass media much more profound.

The negative aspects of mass media and its effect on the general population are incredibly obvious. For instance, when a company spins or recreates information for the public, this has repercussions. The public is being lied to most of the time partly because the effects of mass media are so profound that a message sent out across several mediums attracts such a large readership. Viral stories and videos have taken over the internet and the way people access information. Information spreads incredibly fast and this is testimony to the effects and power of mass media.

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