Friday, April 30, 2010
How does the media and government work?
the media and government
In order for citizens to stay informed as to what is currently happening in our government, we need news reporters who will create breaking stories to try and undercover the truth as to what is currently going on with our government. Some people feel as though they cannot trust the United States government, and it is the job of the media to provide stories which one can speculate whether or not we can truly trust our government. The media keeps our government in check and creates certain barriers that the government cannot cross without being persecuted for; nevertheless, one needs to have faith in the officials he/she elects to represent them in the government.
In conclusion, the media works with the government to inform the tax payers how their money is being spent, along with every other matter that pertains to their lives. The media could be used to either help or hinder political figures, and the media must also be used to keep the government in check. Though there will always be corruption, the media helps to regulate and contain some of it.
Media and Government
There are many investigative reporters out there similar to Jim Hummel that expose corruption in the government on a larger scale. For example when it was thought that the US might have been selling arms to an embargoed country in exchange for the release of hostages. This is information that the government clearly isn't going to leak to the public, but with help from these types of professionals the truth can be exposed for everyone to see.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Media and Government Control
Media and the government have a strong influence over our society. They work together, yet against each other to inform us on what is going on. First off our government uses the media in order to manipulate us, and to only give us information they want us to know. Whether it be the whole truth, part of the truth or not even the truth at all. The government also has control over the media on what they are and aren’t allowed to show the public.
Media has control over the government when it comes to how they want to portray the certain individual. They can make our president of the United States look fantastic and making the right decisions; yet at the same time they can portray them as a bad person and making wrong decisions when deciding what’s best for our country. Whether it be positive or negative that the media and the government have control over each other, it is necessary and nothing would ever be able to change that.
Government and Media
Media and Government
Media and the government work together by providing information to society.
For example society relies on the media to provide them with information on government policies and opinions on these policies so that citizens have the information they need to make their own opinion and vote on it.
The media is also what provides us with information on our government officials so that citizens can also learn about the individual and make an opinion to go out and vote.
The media helps to advertise politicians both positively and negatively and the society relies on the media to provide them with this information.
Therefore any decision made about the government including policies and officials is influenced by the media.
The media also lets the public know of new government regulations or any new legislation that is passed by the government.
Thus the media and the government need to work together to help inform society so that they can make good decisions in regards to our government and our society in general.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Media and Government
Both the media and the government have a strong impact over the public. The media shares information with the public while the government shares rules and regulations with the public.
Without the media the public would be unaware of what is going on in the public and with out the media the government would not have as much information to share with the public as they do today.
If you think about it, most of the media lately has been about the government. Mostly around the new health care plan and the tea party nonsense. The government needs the media to show the public what each party is up to so they can sway the people on way or another.
During elections, the government uses the media to show the horse races between the candidates as well as to broadcast the candidates’ campaigns to the public.
The media uses reporting tactics to find out what is going on in the government to share with the public. The media gives us information about the latest government pros and cons in order to keep us informed about what is going on in our country today.
The media and government go hand in hand and both need each other to spread awareness to the public.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Media and the Government
Although laws differ from country to country, government has the power to control what the media can and cannot reveal to the public. It is because of these regulations that people may not get a true view of reality, or unknowingly receive limited information. We only know as much as the media tells us about a story or issue.
The government also uses and has the power to manipulate the media. Information can be leaked to the media to destroy a political campaign, people can pay to have biased political advertisements and attack ads displayed, or people can refuse to communicate with the media altogether by not answering questions and meeting with reporters. The government can also provide the media with an overwhelming amount of information about an issue so that reporters don’t have time to sort everything out, formulate difficult questions, and produce their own angles of the story. This minimizes the chance that reporters and the media can dissect a story and reveal everything to the public.
The media, on the other hand, has its own power over the government. The press is considered the “fourth branch” of government, in addition to legislative, judicial, and executive. It is able to perform its job as the people’s “watchdog,” monitoring the other government branches to keep them in check and keep them honest. The media can be manipulated by the government, but it can also reveal things about the government that are not protected by regulations.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Mass media and public agenda
Mass Media's Agenda
There is too much going on in the world for us to see everything, but the media decides what to show us. They tend to show the bad things that are going on for example the war or death of a public figure. Seldom do we see good actions that have been done on the news or if we do they are not very in-depth stories.
I think the media will continue to show what they choose to show us for they need to pick what will help their ratings. Granted we give them directions to go in ways of stories. And unfortunately this means showing all the worst of the worst for that is what many people want to see. So unless we make a drastic change in what we want to see then the media will continue to show us the bad things that will get them good ratings.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mass Media and Public Agenda
Although the media shapes the public’s agenda of issues, I don’t think that this is something that will ever be resolved. Because there is so much news to report, the news reporters have to limit what we see due to the fact that there is simply not enough time to tell all the news that is going on in the world.
Media and Government
The media can also act as something to keep the government in check, especially in the US. Because a democracy relies on public opinion (mostly), the government must be considerate of the people in every aspect of what they govern. The media is there to present the people with what the government is doing, giving us the ability to react and tell the people in charge how we feel.
Mass Media and the Public’s Agenda
The public relies on the media to make their decisions. The media gives the public information that is pertinent to the recent issues. For example, with out the media during the 2008 elections, people would not know anything about the candidates.
The media relays information to the public that give them background knowledge in order to create an agenda or make a decision. Hearing from the news that there has been an earthquake in Haiti results in people changing vacation plans and not going in that area because it is basically a disaster zone.
If the public agrees with what the media is saying, for example about health issues, maybe that there is E Coli in some sort of food, then the public won’t eat that food until the problem is resolved. At RWU when there was E Coli in our water, the RWU media informed the RWU community about the issue and we had to change our normal agendas to be healthy.
The media is the little voice in our heads that tells us what we should or should not do. This is because all day every day we are listening and seeing media without realizing it and the information is in our brain and clicks on when we need to make a decision about the topic.
Media and Government
Media and the government work together by providing information to society.
For example society relies on the media to provide them with information on government policies and opinions on these policies so that citizens have the information they need to make their own opinion and vote on it.
The media is also what provides us with information on our government officials so that citizens can also learn about the individual and make an opinion to go out and vote.
The media helps to advertise politicians both positively and negatively and the society relies on the media to provide them with this information.
Therefore any decision made about the government including policies and officials is influenced by the media.
The media also lets the public know of new government regulations or any new legislation that is passed by the government.
Thus the media and the government need to work together to help inform society so that they can make good decisions in regards to our government and our society in general.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mass Medias influence on the public
Mass Media shapes the public’s agenda of issues dramatically because they chose what is or is not important by what they show us; whether it is on the radio, the news, or in newspapers. For example, the media portrays the Tiger Woods scandal to be more important that more important things such as people in our country suffering and what we could do to help them.
They also tend to focus more on negative issues than positive. Such as, when the president of the United States does something wonderful we barely hear about it as if it’s nothing. On the contrary, when he messes something up its all we hear about. All in all, mass media has an enormous influence on what the public thinks of what issues are important and unimportant.
Mass Media- Public Agenda
The Mass Media's Influence on Public Agenda
The information we receive and react to is all determined by the media. The public’s agenda of issues is shaped by the media based on the stories they choose to report, and the level of importance they choose to report those stories.
The mass media determines for us what is and is not important for us to know. It creates discussion and hype about stories based on how it presents them to the public. If a story is detailed and retold constantly over a long period of time, then the public will receive the story as being important. The same is also true of the opposite. News that is perceived to have minimal importance based on how much attention the story receives will determine how the public perceives its importance.
A great example of this is a newspaper. What the media thinks is the most important story is placed on the front page with pictures and a huge, eye catching headline that’s hard to miss. News that is apparently less important is written as shorter, less detailed stories that are hidden throughout the paper.
Our agenda of issues in the news is determined by what and how the media choose to share information with the public. We react to this presentation of news based on its “importance.”
Public Agenda
Mass media shapes the public’s agenda of issues by agenda setting.
In that the more time and newsworthiness the media places on an issue the more the public will respond to it.
Therefore the media can literally shape the agenda of issues just by making an issue into a big deal.
By doing so the media can cause the public to respond to an issue rapidly if they so desire just by giving it a lot of attention.
For example the media was making a big deal about the judge retiring from the Supreme Court and who the president would replace him with.
The media can have a great impact on the publics agenda of issues in fact the media holds most of the power in the issues to be concerned by the public.
Policy makers, political figures and regular citizens all use the media to set agendas for the public making the media the largest influence on shaping the publics agenda of issues.
Thus it made the public more concerned about the issue just because the media did a lot of stories on it and brought a lot of attention to it.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
How does mass media reflect a political system globally?
What are some mass-media effects and mass media messages and the impact on society?
How does media research Impact media literacy?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Mass Media and Politics
Mass media is important for politics to thrive by informing the public as to what is currently happening in our system of government. Certain media stations pertain to the stories people want to hear based on their political agenda. For instance, conservatives would be more likely to watch Fox News for their political information over MSNBC or maybe even C-SPAN. The same could be said for democrats. Though the media only shows the stories they want to public to hear; nevertheless, the information we do receive is very vital for our nation to remain a somewhat thriving country. The lenient of the media does vary on a global scale. China's media is much less informational in some ways as to what happens in the government and any controversial issues from the nation's history. Yet some Europeans are more informed in the United States politics then a large percentage of Americans which seems a little demoralizing. Though our media coverage is quite accurate, for some reason our country remains uniformed as a whole. Whether to blame the media or cultural trends is a hard question to answer.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mass Media and Politics
Mass media is also the reason countries have knowledge about global politics. Without the different mediums of communication we have today, people around the world wouldn’t be able to access news and information on a broader scale.
Politics are also dependent on mass media, just as media is dependent on politics. The public forms opinions about political information and campaigns based on what they hear and see through different media. The media could either help or hurt a politicians campaign, but all depends what the public is allowed to see.
global media and politics
Media is global however the globe certainly does not get the same media material. By this I mean that many countries have the ability to get news, television, radio and even Internet. Some countries, however, are deprived of the correct information because of the government’s policies. China, for example, does not always know what’s going on in the country, as the government wants to save it ‘s image and ideals. Although for countries that do not have strict policies, the media can really only benefit the public. Here in the United States, we obtain so much information about politics and what is going on through many medias. This certainly benefits the public so we are well informed. We really must be well informed, as to be able to vote fairly.
So are media and politics related? Of course they are. Politics are what allows these media to exist and theoretically, the media does the same, as they promote or denote political ideas. This is one more instance in which it is easy to say one cannot really belong without the other.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Media and Politics
Also, the media makes it possible to us to see politicians globally. Because of technology, people in the United States can watch news about any other country. There are even certain stations designated to certain countries, for example, Al-Jazeera, which is an Arab based station.
politics and media
Politics and Media
Many countries allow all the information to be present such as the United States and this really brings people into the political area. Some countries though do not such as China and this leaves many people in the dark about many political issues that affect them.
With the mass media political issues can be send anywhere and this helps in decision making and opinion formation. The mass media not only helps us know what is going on in our own country, but also in other countries around the world which help everyone on an international level. This helps us learn and develop our own opinions as well as seen different ways to help better the outcome and help the country as a whole.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Politics and the Mass Media
Without the media, a political system would not be able to be global. The media get the political information out there for the audience to know.
Now it depends on the type of government a country has whether or not certain information can be shared with the public, but in America all political information is the publics information.
The mass media brought the 2008 election straight to America’s living rooms. This made it possible for people to see politics first hand and see what each candidate had to offer, in order to choose a side.
For global purposes, the mass media has brought us information about the political systems around the world. We are given information about other countries political systems to both learn about them and as well as to form our own opinions on their choices.
The Impact of the Mass Media
No matter what happens, the mass media will always have an impact on society. Whether it is the clothing styles you’re interested in, some new lingo that everyone starts to pick up, or the way we see our selves, the mass media will always be a part of that.
In the mass media they portray what people should do or should look like. In shows like I Love Lucy or Leave it to Beaver the families are typical suburban families with a nice house, the dad goes to work while the mom stays home with the kids. This image was put into people’s minds as the ideal family and as what a real family should be like.
As for what people should look like, the mass media affects peoples’ choices on what they should wear or what’s the latest diet they should be on. The mass media has a powerful hold over the audience, which results in an impact on society.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mass Media and Politics
Policy is very much reflective of media. The media is the populations first and foremost method of knowing what is going on politically, so it has the ability to influence people. Because people can become influenced by a certain spin the media may put on politics, politicians then have to adapt to that. Mass media affects politics indirectly, but significantly.
For instance when there is some type of scandal in politics (Clinton's affair), the news organizations are the first to perpetuate the problem and cover it. The politician then has to respond to however the media spun their situation.
Globally mass media has affected us by bringing us images and messages that we would not have known about otherwise. It is a tool for informing and often outraging us.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
How do Media and Advertising Work Together?
Question: What are some mass-media effects and mass media messages and the impact on society?
mass media messages like body image, and any form of "perfection" have a huge impact on society.
For years we've seen the ideal family and ideal body and these played out scenes that the public, especially younger people believe is real and is the only way to be,
so they try their hardest to live a life like what they see.
most of the time it just gets them into trouble. Like drug use and drinking that they may see on TV, they will want to be like the character on gossip girl or some other show and just end up in trouble with an unfinished "aspiration"
Saturday, April 10, 2010
MAss media effect
Media also has the ability of delivering raw information to the world. For example during the Vietnam War, live television coverage outraged society back in the US, and it didn’t have a certain spin: the people could see exactly what was happening. I remember watching the events of 911 unfold live on TV when I was in the fifth grade. Without pictures like these, people may not become as involved with what is going on.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Mass Media
Mas Media Effects
Mass Media Effects and Impacts
Tiger Woods for example has been slammed by the media for months new due to his infidelities with his wife. All of his press conferences have been highest media priority, as well as his commercials in cooperation with Nike. There is no reason that Americans should be at all interested in what these high profile people do in their personal lives. Cheating in relationships is absolutely nothing new and happens every day in this country. However, when someone whos name we hear on TV do the same exact thing, millions of us are outraged and feel the need to speak out.
Similarly, many atheletes in recent years have been charged with crimes such as weapons possession. Again, a common crime that happens daily in cities all across America, and millions of us think it is our business to know all about it. Mass Media is way too prevelent in our culture today, and if feel that as a society we would be more productive if we weren't spending so much time being concerned with what complete strangers are up to.
Media's effects on society
The media has many positive effects on society. For example, all the people get all of their information about the war, world, etc. through the media because people aren't able to get the information firsthand. Another positive effect on society is that people can stay connected through the media. For example, the internet and social networking are extremely popular in today's society and wouldn't be possible without the internet. Therefore, the media does have many positive effects on society.
Contrary to my prior points, the media can also have sufficient negative effects. Because people are in charge of what we see on the media, for example on telection or on the news, the society is not able to see what is really going on, but rather what the media people decided to film and show. Also, the media can have negative effects on society regarding the internet. For example. we discussed in class able the children and teenagers in Asia who were addicted to the internet. Although this seems like it may be a joke, the consequences of being addicted to the internet are very serious.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Media's Effects on the Behavior of Children
Media Literacy and Media Research: Who Came First?
One must be media literate to do media research. If one is to conduct research on the amount of people who watch a television show, you must also know which ones are going to be popular, as well as what form of media people watch the particular show on. Today, we have so many ways to view a television show, that perhaps to not count one is to leave out an entire audience group, therefore relaying inaccurate information to the public.
In the event that media researchers are not up to date with their statistics and numbers, it will be harder for networks to produce interesting, entertaining new material that audiences will approve of, which will therefore lead to more money for the network, or company.
On the other hand, we must also consider that media research has a great impact on media literacy. If there were no media research, media literacy would be almost nonexistent, as it would be very difficult to know what audiences approve or disprove of. In essence, this is a classic ‘who came first’ argument, as we cannot have one without the other.
Media messages and their impact to society
Mass media messages have many mass media effects and have a huge impact on our society today. No matter what type of media it is, whether it’s TV, magazines or even radio they all affect us. These effects can be positive however there’s more of a negative impact media brings on our society. Some of the positives could be if they discuss the danger of certain things such as the problems with the Toyota cars, or even storm updates from the news. These are examples of the positive side of media because they keep our society safe.
However media messages can bring so much negativity into our lives. Some it only affects slightly, but some dramatically. For example, the way woman and even men are portrayed in the media. It makes young girls and boys think they need to look a certain way to be “normal”. This could be something as little as buying new clothes, to something more dramatic like eating disorders or plastic surgery. Yes, mass media messages can impact our society in a positive way; however it seems to be more common for them to just put out negative messages.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
mass media's effect on society
Mass media has a large effect on society today.
For example as the text states the theory of agenda setting is the theory that the media has a large influence on society by deciding what stories should be in the news and how much time and importance to give each story.
Messages sent by mass media would be putting a story on the air more then any other story this will automatically make the audience more interested in the story.
where as if the media only spoke of the same story once all day it would not be a big deal to anyone, so just by making it so newsworthy and giving it a lot of air time it makes it a big story.
Thus impacting society by basically telling them what news is important and what stories they should be concerned with. the media effects society in other ways such as stereotyping, or even role modeling, basically the media can show society how to live in general.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Media Research and Media Literacy…
Also, media research increases media literacy by increasing the knowledge known about the mass media.
Media research impacts media literacy a great deal because without the research there is no knowledge. And without the knowledge people are no longer media literate.
With this research companies are able to learn what the mass media really wants. For example, TV companies research what kind of shows people are interested in so they can come up with new ideas along those lines.
media research and how it affects media literacy
Media Research very much so impacts media literacy. Media research allows companies to find out with T.V shows and even channels are tuned in the most, having the most viewers. Same goes for magazines, newspapers and any other type of media out there. If this research was not done, that no one could ever know which ones were successful and which ones to no longer continue. All this research also keeps people media literate by all the new technology coming out; and threw reviews and research the American society are able to learn about these new media mediums so they can therefore become more literate with it.