Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I Have Really Learned in COMM 101…

This semester has contained so much information about the mass media world. From newspapers to books to the Internet to magazines etc. I have learned numerous things.

The most important topic that was taught in this class was the First Amendment. It is the amendment in the U.S. Constitution that is a media employee’s best friend. Without this amendment freedom to press, freedom to speech, and freedom to assemble would not be available to the media members.

I also learned a lot about how technology has really impacted our generation. We believe that we can multitask, but in reality we just have short attention spans and need to constantly be switching back and forth between many things.

After doing my media pioneer project, I also learned the Steven Spielberg helped pioneer the idea of product placement, which is placing a product within a television or movie script as a form of subtle advertisement. He also started the summer blockbuster hit tradition with Jaws.

Another thing I learned from COMM 101 was how the media really affects us as individuals. The media has a way of causing us to follow the latest trends and attitudes. If kids see other kids on television acting a certain way, then they may start acting that way because the kids on TV are so it’s looked at as OK.

I have learned a lot of things in this class it was very interesting. The ones listed above are just a few that really caught my attention. Have a great summer!

The First Amendment: Speech and Press

The First Amendment is one of the most important amendments to the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Without the First Amendment, we would not have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to petition, freedom to press, or freedom to religion.

As for speech and press, without the First Amendment, we would not be able to say what we want to say or print what we want others to see. The United States of America is a very special country for allowing its citizens to have these freedoms.

Countries like China do not have these freedoms and regulates what is said to the public and what is printed. Since we do not have these regulations, the public knows mostly everything; there are no secrets.

The freedoms of speech and press give journalists freedom to get the stories they want when they want them. They also allow journalists to publish the information of their stories without restrictions.

Without the freedoms of speech and press the mass media would have trouble doing its job. They would not be able to relay their information to the public unless a higher authority approved it. Thank God we have these freedoms!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have learned many things in this class about the media of mass communications.

To start I learnt a lot about the history of mass media and the pioneers that got us to where we are today.

I never realized all of the people and inventions it took to create this media culture.

I also learnt a lot about methods of media and how such things as news and advertising are all based on timing.

Even entire subjects I never knew a thing about I now know such as public relations, before entering this class I did not even know what public relations was.

One thing I really got out of this class was the amount of media I, and everyone in the United States is exposed to every minute of our lives.

Before taking this course I never gave a second thought to commercials, radios playing in stores, billboards or even product placement, but now I notice how much I am exposed to media with every corner I turn and how it is a huge part in my everyday life.

1st Amendment

The First Amendment is what gave us our freedom of speech and press and with out the First Amendment the media would not be what it is today.

By giving citizens the right to say what they want when they want and also be able to write it down and expose it to society is the basis for our media today.

If our government did not give us the right to free speech and press then our media would be censored and regulated by the government as it is in many other countries.

But due to our constitution and First Amendment rights the media is able to give society correct information and also opinions on information, this allows both sides of every story to be told so that society can make there own decision on subject knowing both arguments.

The First Amendment

-What is the significance of the First Amendment with speech and press?
When it comes to mass media, the First Amendment is extremely important. It makes sure that we have freedom of speech, religion, and ability to write whatever we want in the press. This is a something that most people take for gradate, but we do not realize that we are one of the few countries that have this ability to have free speech.
In the media, since people have the ability to write whatever they want whether is it offensive or not, sometime causes confrontation between many. The journalist may think that something is okay to publish in the newspaper, however the public may think otherwise.
If we did not have the first amendment, it would greatly change people’s views on our government; because the media has the ability to say their personal opinion on certain issues making it possible to manipulate us. I believe that the first amendment is extremely necessary because we would not be informed as much as we are today; however, sometimes people can push it too far.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What would we do without the First Amendment?

The First Amendment prohibits government interference in free expression, religion, and individual and public protests against government policies. It prohibits the law from infringing on the freedom of press and freedom of the press. Without the First Amendment much of media would not be allowed.

If you think about it, much of media is the opinion of the person who writes it or says it. There would be much less stories because most things you read are opinionated and have little fact to them.

This would greatly affect elections because people and the press would not be able to say bad things the knew about the politician or start any drama with things that are not true.

Also, media is used as a watchdog against the government. Media acts as a role in government to ensure that it is accountable to the public. The First Amendment allows for people to say or write whatever they would like to about anything. People can complain about the government and this allows for people to become aware of problems or speculations in the government and this awareness leads to people demanding change.

We would not know half the things we do today if the First Amendment did not allow freedom of speech and press.

Media and Government as a Team

Media and government work as one in order to get information out to the public’s awareness. Without media, most people who not know about most things that are going on in their town, country, and world. It would be much harder for people to get a message out to a targeted audience if there was no media.

If it weren’t for media we would not know about breaking news and messages that need to quickly be released to the public. It is the medias job to provide the people with the latest news and updates in popular news.

Media and government can also be enemies in a way. Many people do not trust our government and believe that we are constantly being hidden things from us. People use the media to try and figure out what is going on in the government. Government officials and elections need media coverage in order to create a campaign. Competing politicians would not be able to get their messages about why they would be the best for the job and why people should vote for them.

Basically, government and media need one another in order to survive. Although sometimes they use things against each other, government needs media to get stories and information into awareness and media needs government in order to stay in business.

What I've Learned

Looking back, I’ve learned a lot in this class. I learned how much the media and technology is such an important part of our lives. I never realized how dependent I was on all of this for both information and entertainment until I focused on the media I used to get me through the day.

This class also brought to my attention how much communication technology there is, and how it’s constantly changing. Everything we use today, like televisions, computers, radio, telephones, and even printed sources like books, have evolved over time. It was interesting to see how throughout history people saw media technology as “advanced,” like Gutenberg’s movable type, for example. However, technology is constantly changing and being updated. We have tiny cell phones, flat screen HD TVs, satellite radios, electronic books, and portable computers, to name a few recent “advanced” mediums of communication. All of this will not be considered advanced one day as the future of media continues to evolve.

I also realized how much the internet is impacting other types of media. People are becoming so dependent today the “on demand” aspect of the internet that TV, newspapers, and radio are losing their audiences to convenience. People can access news, music, articles, and TV shows all in one easy place, so it was interesting to see how much of an impact the internet has on all types of media.

In this class I also learned a lot about major media conglomerates, like Disney, Viacom, and Time Warner, and all of their holdings. I never knew that so many brands were associated with each of these big media names, so it was interesting to make connections between brands and see the relationships.

There was a lot of different information covered in this class. Overall it really opened my eyes to how much the mass media and the technology associated with it affects our everyday lives.

The First Amendment's Effect on Speech and the Press

Part of the Constitution’s First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”

These words are important to our freedom as Americans. It is because of this amendment that we are able to express what we think, how we feel, and what we believe in, either in words, action, or in print.

The media is especially affected by the First Amendment because it provides a way for people to express all of these things on a larger scale. Americans are able to print and speak both positive and negative ideas about the government, as well as other people or events (like opinions about war, movies, celebrities, etc) to a mass audience, and are completely protected.

Huge movements in our country’s history, like the Woman’s Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Movement, could not have been possible without the freedom to speak their beliefs and speak out against laws that were in place. The media allowed peoples’ messages be heard and have more of an impact on the rest of the country.

Some countries do not have this freedom, and limit speech and press. China, for example, does this to uphold their reputation and integrity and not let freedom of expression become a threat. People here are limited to what they can say about their government, and are therefore limited to the information they receive from the media.

Americans today have never experienced life without the First Amendment. Many take for granted the fact that we can speak and print what we want, have strong opinions, and be heard through the use of media. All of this is important to move forward and improve things in life that affect us.

What have I learned in this class?

Media is everywhere and media is everything. Right now I am typing on this blog on the internet with the television in the background, after reading the end of the text for this class. Right now I am experiencing using at least three different types of media. I've leaned that media controls the country in many more ways than what I ever imagined. From elections for the President of the entire country to a scandal about the greatest golf player on earth, the media matters. I have always been a person who would rather write an essay with pencil and paper, and someone who didn't like technology but this class has brought me to realize that technology is now and technology is the future. No matter what profession one goes into the media and knowing about it as well as technology will always matter, and the further technology advances the more one needs to know to survive in the professional world. Things are progressing and they are progressing quickly. Books are becoming things like the kindle and the ipad. Newspapers and magazines are all turning to the internet for a way to survive. The internet is becoming more massive than anyone had ever imagined it would become. Media is everywhere, and that is not going to be changing any time soon.

What is the significance of the First Amendment and Free Speech

significance is a complete understatement when speaking about the first amendment. The United States is one of the very few places who have the right to free speech. Take places like China, where many young kids never learn about the horrible things the world has done, or places in the middle east that must sneak around the web to try and fins information that is accurate and true. The first amendment allows some things that could be considered horrible such as burning the flag of the United States, or allowing Ku Klux Klan marches in Washington square, but what if we didn't have the first amendment? African Americans may not have rights if Martin Luther King was banned from peaceful protests or speaking out against the government. Women could have never left the home, and the country could have been driven by people like those Ku Klux Klan members who walk in Washington square without the choice to speak out against them. The first amendment allows each and every person the right to speak out against the government and against people. If we did not have the first amendment we may very well be a censored country. A country whose people only hear what the government wants them to hear. We may not have had progressive thinkers and promoters of freedom. Would we even have freedom? Maybe, but if we didn't no one would be able to say anything about it. The first amendment is the only thing standing in the way of silencing the people of this country.

How does the media and government work

The media and the government are a very closely tied couple. Although news about Lindsey Lohan's DUI does really connect in any way to Barrack Obama's change campaign, that doesn't mean that they can't work together in other capacities. Think back to President Obama's campaign. What do you remember about it? Maybe you remember seeing one of his debates on television, or maybe one of his television ads? Maybe you were really interested in the campaign and even remember donating money to his campaign online, or getting text messages about the issues in his campaign. What do all of these things have in common. The Media! Are elections really about who will run the government better? Well, they are supposed to be but is that why people win elections? It's true that sometimes people win elections based on their abilities, but the media doesn't hurt. A large percentage of voters wouldn't have a clue who the candidates were if there were no media. A larger percentage of voters vote for the caandidate with the better looking and sounding ads from radio commercials or better pictures on posters. Is the relationship between the media and the government a good thing, or does it just bring in a large amount of voters who don't know the issues.

How does Mass Media shape the public's agenda of issues

This question has an extremely simple answer. Mass Media is how many, if not all, people get their information from. For the most part, without the media no one would have any idea about what was going on other than possibly small town events. Television, newspapers, magazines, books, the internet. These are the places that people go to find out what is going on in their state, the country, and if they are interested even the world. Anyone can get information as quickly as they can click a mouse. The question we are answering, however, is not how quickly people can get news from the media but how the media affects the public's agenda of issues. Issues need information and facts to back them up to be considered important, but they also need another very important quality. They need people to care about them. Think of it this way. If a politician, who has the very best intentions and the best political plans, has no support from the public, they have no change of ever winning an election and implementing their fabulous policies. If an issue doesn't have people who care about it, then nothing will ever be done about the issue. Therefore the main focus for those who want to put an issue on the agenda is to get attention from the people. What is the best way to get attention from the people. Putting the issue all over the media. That is the simple answer to the question. Mass media is the starting point of an issue and helps the issue to gain support and make it a point on the public agenda.